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Traverse City, MI

Many business owners don't realize there's a difference between web design and web development, but there's a big ...


The recent Technology Show in Las Vegas, heralded the next phase in media convergence - TV's that are web-ready.

Is your web content ready to display on a ...


According to a report by the American Marketing Association, Online Auctions are fast becoming the major fundraising event for nonprofit organizations.

After t...


We all know you can't just plop a website up on the web and get a flood of visitors. It takes some marketing to get you those visitors.

But there's a go...


File Not Found

The page you requested is missing. We've recently finished a total redesign of our website. Please use the Navigtion Menus to navigate through our new website.

Sorry about the inconvenience, but since you're here, please let us take a moment to show you how the little details in website design can mean so much to your organization.

This is a Custom 404 (file not found) page. As you can see it's not the usual nondescript, impersonal 404 that everyone sees, ignores and then clicks away from, never finding your website. This Custom 404 page can keep visitors on your site, and if designed to can even entertain them with a laugh.

It's inevitable as websites grow and your web traffic increases, that web pages will be moved or changed or even dropped. Such is the case with ours which needed updating (an overhaul, really,) as we added new products and services and began focusing on our core business, which is Digital Media.

But you needn't fear losing visitors because of a missing page with a Custom 404!

It's just one of the little details we take care of when we design your website. A little detail that can make a big difference to you.

We hope you take the time now to visit the rest of our website.

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Web Development & Design, New Media, Search Marketing. We develop sophisiticated websites and powerful applications in HTML, CSS, XHTML, XML, PHP, MySQL, Actionscript (Flash) and more. Serving the Traverse City / Grand Traverse / Elk Rapids areas and North America. Fast, economical, trustworthy.